History of FLAG est. 1993 - Founding Members

The Founding Members of FLAG at their first opening in 1993 at the FLAGstop Gallery. FLAG members salute the following artists:
Back (l-r): Ken Robinson, Wayne Ell, Barbara Boldt, Adam Lossing, Elfi Baars,
Tom Anderson, Tim Brown,
Front (l-r): Graydon Seaman, Margo Harrison, Stanley Sadgrove, Linda Muttitt
Standing: Ron Bryson
The beginning-from Barbara Boldt's notes :
- The CN Station became available as a place to show art work, when I approached the Heritage Society who had previously used it as an office for the "Friends of the Fort" people, with the idea to have room for local artists to congregate.
- I was not interested in commercial activities in the Station at this time, as I had my gallery across the street. I explained my ideas to Doug Bulwer, trusting him to execute them!
- Main purpose of FLAG group: promote arts in general; encourage and educate youngsters; become aware of the spiritual rather than the commercial aspects of art. even as a prime source of income, art can be an inspiration
- Let's concentrate on the "Artists Group", rather than the "Gallery".
We wanted this to be a GROUP of artists who NEED the support of each other more than they need the public at this time.
In order to get public exposure and market their work, the artist has to do more than show out of this place.
Post "Open" hours on window in the Station, also any events that are planned. People always wander onto the platform throughout the week, as I observe from my studio. (Barbara's studio was across the street from the CN Station.)
Our creed: Get together with or without the public to discuss and explore our work, i.e., let me talk about my paintings, motivation, what made me choose subjects, change my style, etc.
Each artist can have his or her turn to talk. This seems to me a very important reason for forming this group.
These talks could be recorded. (Note: FLAG meeting minutes have been maintained.)
Events planned should be discussed by ALL the members, not decided by a few!
My "Artists at Work": I am in favour of having FLAG handle this event. It is all organized and the date already set for August 28 and 29, 1993. I put it in the Chamber Calendar of Events. Records of advertising and renting tables, etc.
Doug Bulwer relates his role in the beginning of FLAG and how “he started the ball rolling.” At the time (early 1990s), local artist Barbara Boldt was told there was a space for a gallery at the CN railway station. Barbara asked fellow artists Tom Anderson and Elfie Baars if they wanted to start a group and use the space, but they didn't have the time to organize meetings. That’s where I can along-I had the time to get things started. I made the phone calls to whoever was interested and got Bob Barrett to let us use his Riverview Grill Gallery for the first two meetings. My wife Ina and I took the notes of these meetings and I also took a class at the time on how to put together an Art club so I could do things right. It took some time before I got everyone together. After the first two meetings, we all had a lot of ideas on what would be the focus of the club and it started to form. We named it the Fort Langley Artists Group - FLAG. It was a very diverse group; it was not easy at first.
Doug Bulwer (photo) organized and called the first meeting of FLAG (minutes) on Wednesday, February 17, 1993. During this meeting Ken Robinson motioned and Adam Lossing seconded that this meeting be officially recognized as the first of its kind.
Doug Bulwer explained some of his key points and reasons for bringing the artists together, as well as, outlining future goals and directions he thought the group might take. Discussions included:
1. Becoming a formal association.
2. How do we organize ourselves?
3. What is our purpose?
4. Continuation of "Artists at Work" - Barbara Boldt's already established (1990) and well-attended event held on the CN station grounds.
5. Design and restructuring of the CN Train Station space into a gallery.
6. Membership Dues
7. Connections to other art disciplines in the community.
8. Establish regular meetings.
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A bit of FLAG Waving: 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2001 , 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996,1995, 1994, 1993